PRI and WBCSD join forces to drive corporate-investor action on sustainable development

发表: Aug 27 2020
类型: 新闻

日内瓦/伦敦,2020年8月27日: The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) – together representing asset owners, 投资经理, service providers and businesses – have forged a new collaboration to create the enabling conditions for a sustainable financial system.

在里程碑式的合作中, the PRI and WBCSD will work to put sustainability at the heart of financial and strategic decision making by facilitating direct conversations between investors and business about what decision-useful sustainability-related information is, 以及如何以及在哪里使用这些信息.

这样做的时候, the two organizations provide financial market actors with the information and impetus they need to allocate more capital and other support towards sustainable business through improved supply and use of sustainability-related information. The collaboration will bring investors and corporates together to clarify how sustainability information is used in the investor-corporate relationship, 企业和投资者如何协调激励措施, 评价, 估值 and decision-making with sustainability considerations related to resilience, 影响和结果, and support the institutional arrangements that will deliver the sustainability information needed by investors and corporates. It is designed to complement and support efforts already underway toward a globally harmonized system for ESG reporting.

The current global context marks a critical moment for embarking on this work. Disruption in financial markets and economies has uncovered structural and relational challenges in the current market system, 强调风险之间的联系, 回报和正规博彩十大网站排名还不够强劲.

By strengthening communication and alignment between the business and investment communities, the PRI and WBCSD will work to address these issues through dialogue and consensus, providing recommendations and guidance on the integration of sustainability in corporate and investor relations, 估值, 激励和资本配置决策.

“Our signatories continue to tell us that being able to access comparable and meaningful sustainability data is a roadblock to progress when it comes to responsible investment. Working with WBCSD will enable PRI to enhance several channels over which investors have influence – capital allocation and investors’ engagement with companies,” 菲奥娜雷诺兹PRI首席执行官. “By collaborating we can further develop the tools and data needed for future decision-making and create the incentives and collective action at a scale that can significantly influence the capital costs of companies.”

“We are working to redesign corporate and investor engagement and our organizations represent a powerful combination of those voices,” 彼得,他 WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官. “We see this work as integral for aligning the financial system with the transformations needed to address the major social and environmental issues – like climate change and inequality.”

The collaboration will also serve to complement existing regulatory and standard setter work towards a globally harmonized system for ESG disclosures by focusing upon investor needs, and strategic corporate communications – working to ensure the right information is consistently communicated, 理解, 利用并采取行动推动变革,实现可持续的未来.

The collaboration is focused on an area that is underserved to date, corporate and investor dialogue. WBCSD and the PRI are aiming to complement existing efforts and approaches to strengthen the effectiveness of developments. 根据巴克先生和雷诺兹女士的说法, the signatories and members of the PRI and WBCSD can bring much needed scale and market-based consensus to support and accelerate these efforts and to deliver a solution that meets market demand and stakeholder concerns.

革命制度党是美国的一个政党.N. 支持组织, 有3个以上,000 signatories who collectively represent over USD $100 trillion in Assets Under Management. The 正规博彩十大网站’s 200 member companies represent a combined revenue of more than USD $8.5万亿美元和1900万员工, spanning 70 countries – and are working to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.


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